Customs service is one of the main attributes of the independence of any state.



When the Cynological center of the State Customs Committee was put into operation on September 30, 2003, it was established in accordance with modern standards, which has no analogues in the region for its parameters, technical and equipment supply. The cynological Center is located on the Mashtaga - Zabrat highway and covers an area of 3 hectares. At the base of the cynological Center, it is possible to keep 100 Head service dogs at a time, provide medical care and train them. Reproduction, growth and maintenance of breed puppies are also carried out in the center.

Training of cynologists and training of Service search dogs in the following directions are carried out on the basis of the center by experienced and highly qualified specialists. Search for drugs; search for explosives; search for firearms and ammunition; protection of all types of objects; search for traces, etc. The center has a veterinary clinic equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, where there are all opportunities for examination and treatment of dogs. Dogs trained in the cynological Center have repeatedly won in various competitions. In 2003, the dog, nicknamed" Layma", won the main prize at the 2nd European Championship in Bratislava.

AZ 1039, Baku City, Sabunchu district, Mashtagha settlement, Zabrat-Mashtagha highway, left side, 1
+99412 448-29-27