State Customs Committee
The acquisition of independence by Azerbaijan at the threshold of the 21st century marked the beginning of a new phase in its history. The enduring nature of our independence, which is our national treasure and the visionary policy of National Leader Heydar Aliyev played a significant role in ensuring Azerbaijan's rightful place among world states. Starting from the second half of 1993, Azerbaijan's upward trajectory of progress and development and the reinforcement of its sovereignty have been directly linked to the successful customs policies implemented in the country. In a short period, significant steps were taken to improve customs operations, strengthen the material-technical and legal framework of customs authorities, and integrate into the global customs system.The statehood of any country begins at its borders; the essential outlines of effective policy are determined by these border pillars. Azerbaijan's ever-increasing reputation has guaranteed success within customs authorities, playing an irreplaceable role in transforming it into a prestigious body that serves national interests, safeguards its economic security, and stimulates socio-economic development. A reliable customs service is considered one of the critical and significant factors of statehood at all times. The customs service holds an important position in implementing Azerbaijan's economic strategy and strengthening the foundations of statehood.The Land of Fire - Azerbaijan, is one of the countries of the world with an ancient history and rich culture, being one of humanity's oldest inhabited areas. The passage of the "Silk Road" through Azerbaijan, along with the convergence of trade caravans between East and West, and South and North, led to the development of trade and craftsmanship in this land. Documents from the Middle Ages prove that Azerbaijan has a long history of foreign trade relations. As early as the 9th century, customs duties were already applied in the territory of Azerbaijan.Until the late 18th and early 19th centuries, before Azerbaijan was occupied by Tsarist Russia, a free tax and customs policy was implemented here. Russia's growing interest in these territories, and the tense socio-political situation that emerged in the 19th century led to the annexation of Northern Azerbaijan into Russia, significantly expanding the empire's economic borders to the south. The customs office in Baku was established by a decree presented to the Senate of the Russian Empire by Emperor Alexander I on January 25 (February 9) 1807, and it became part of the Astrakhan customs district. Later, customs points in Astara and Julfa were also opened in Azerbaijan.After the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the country's leadership decided to take certain measures for the organization and management of customs operations. However, the development of customs work, like other important areas of activity of the independent Azerbaijan state that existed for only 23 months, was not completed. With the transition of foreign trade to state monopoly in the Soviet Union which was the successor of Tsarist Russia, the importance of customs services was diminished and subordinated to various economic bodies.After the Republic of Azerbaijan restored its sovereignty, the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established on January 30, 1992. However, the tense political situation in the country affected the activities of the customs service as well. From the first years of its existence, the national customs system, instead of advancing thanks to amateurs, regressed day by day. Unprofessional staff, customs legislation inherited from the Soviets, old administrative buildings, and border checkpoints that lacked even the simplest technical means- all these were the realities of that time.In such circumstances, by the decision of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated February 24, 1992, the Customs Committee of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was established, thus an important step was taken towards the formation of a truly national customs service.In 1993, at the persistent request of the people, the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev came to power, laying the foundation for a new stage of development for independent Azerbaijan. Since that time, positive changes in the socio-political life of the Republic, consistent implementation of reforms in the political and economic spheres, and a unified economic strategy was formed, which provided for equal and mutually beneficial economic cooperation of the state with all countries. The new historical context, along with the increase in imports of investment goods, necessitated the implementation of a flexible customs policy capable of regulating foreign economic activities and creating a healthy competitive environment for entrepreneurship during the transition to a market economy. In January 1995, the activities of the State Customs Committee were discussed at a meeting held in a large format under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Having thoroughly analysed the performance and shortcomings of the State Customs Committee, President Heydar Aliyev provided his recommendations, stating, "We must create a customs authority that will take its place in our foreign economic relations, serve the development of our economy, and contribute to the enhancement of the reputation of independent Azerbaijan in all circumstances."According to the decree of President Heydar Aliyev, the celebration of January 30 as the professional holiday of customs officers since 1997 was a clear manifestation of the high appreciation, attention and care that the Great Leader gave to the activities of this body.Today, the Azerbaijan Customs Service with its excellent legal framework and advanced infrastructure, protects economic interests and security of our nation across land, air, and sea routes and firmly combats smuggling and illegal activities.The State Customs Committee, which is trying to organize its activities in line with the requirements of contemporary world, has expanded cooperation by establishing business relations with the customs authorities of foreign countries. The State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan became a member of the World Customs Organization in June 1992. The 44th session of the Policy Commission of the World Customs Organization was held in December 2000 in Baku, making Azerbaijan the first country in the Commonwealth of Independent States to host such an event. The reception of the session participants by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Heydar Aliyev, demonstrated the President's special attention to this area, highlighted the genuine development of the Azerbaijan customs organization in a short period, and clearly illustrated our country's growing influence in the international arena and the close cooperation with the customs services of countries around the world.As a result of Azerbaijan's positive efforts in the field of international customs cooperation, a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement was signed in 1996 with the European Union and its member states in 1996. In the same year, our country joined the "Customs Convention on International Transport of Goods under the Cover of TIR carnets (TIR Convention), the "International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System" in May 2000, “International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods” (Geneva, 1982) in February 2000, "International Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance for the Prevention, Investigation, and Repression of Customs Offenses" (Nairobi Convention) in February 2002 and the "International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures" (Kyoto Convention) in December 2003. Furthermore, the collaboration with various international organizations such as the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), INTERPOL, the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM), the International Road Transport Union, the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), the UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), among many others, confirms the broad scope of the activities of the SCC. In order to improve the customs legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Customs Tariff Law" (1995), the "Customs Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan" (1997, new Customs Code was adopted already in September 2011), the "Regulation on the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan" (1998), the "Regulation on Service in Customs Authorities" (1999), as well as the laws on "The Flag of the Customs Authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan," and "The Recognition Emblem of the Customs Authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan" (2001), which symbolize the honor and glory of the customs authorities have been adopted.In 2001, the Collegium of the State Customs Committee adopted the "Code of Honor of the Customs Authority Officials". Each of these laws more clearly defines the duties and powers of customs authorities.In short, сustoms control, economic, statistical and law-enforcement agreements regulating the activity of the SСC, which are of theoretical and practical importance, various decisions, instructions, statutes, rules, concepts, methodical instructions on their implementation mechanism were prepared, approved and applied.In 2000, the opening ceremonies of the Central Laboratory of the State Customs Committee, and in 2003 of the Regional Training Center of the World Customs Organization and the Canine Service Center of the SCC meeting world standards were organized in Baku. In 2006, the Information-Inquiry Center and modern Server Service were put into use at the State Customs Committee, and in 2011, the opening ceremony of the WCO European Regional Office for Capacity Building was held in Baku.The State Customs Committee is constantly expanding the application of information technologies and digitization in the process of organizing customs work. The electronic declaration process was launched in 2016 within the framework of the implemented measures. Due to the implementation of the "Smart customs" project, it was possible to carry out all customs operations from mobile devices.Within the framework of reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev in all areas in recent years, improvements have been made in the customs system in accordance with advanced international practices, as well as scientific approaches. For this purpose, the Action Program of the Customs Service was approved in 2022 and transparency, satisfaction, digitalization, stable customs payments, strong and reliable law enforcement measures were defined as the strategic goals of the customs authorities.In 2023, the operational concept of the Azerbaijan customs service - "Customs Development Model" was developed, and the projects, innovations and improvements planned to be implemented in the customs system are adapted to this concept.One of the first projects implemented in accordance with the new Action Plan of the customs service is the "Electronic account page". This project, which created additional opportunities for the correct establishment of the financial accounting system, at the same time combined mutual settlements with the budget for customs payments, administrative fines and other payments in a single space.The application of modern technologies and digital solutions in the customs system is among the strategic objectives of the Azerbaijan Customs Service. With this goal in mind, the Automated Risk Analysis System (ARAS), an artificial intelligence-based machine learning algorithm developed by Azerbaijan Customs officers and launched at the beginning of 2024, has enhanced the speed of border crossing and clearance processes, minimized unnecessary time and financial losses, and improved the accuracy of the accounting system. The projects “ÖZÜNET” and “Smart Bot” have been pivotal in improving accessibility, transparency, and customer satisfaction for both citizens and businesses, as well as expanding digitalization within customs services.Initiated by the Azerbaijan Customs Service, the Trans-Caspian Customs Transit Portal is aimed at implementing digital and streamlined customs solutions to facilitate the quick and efficient transportation of goods along the Middle Corridor. In summary, the Customs Service, established by National Leader Heydar Aliyev and elevated to one of the primary pillars of our state sovereignty through his care and attention, continues to develop rapidly under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev.
Online services
List of electronic services provided to foreign trade participants by the State Customs Committee
Customs -Business Cooperations
Methods and useful information used by foreign trade participants in the framework of customs-business cooperation
Customs & Society
Information on preferential and simplified rules for the movement of goods not intended for production or for commercial purposes across the customs border by the individuals
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28 January 2025 17:53
More than 5.1 tons of narcotics, seized by Azerbaijani customs authorities were destroyed
On January 28, 2025, a total of 5 tons, 168 kilograms and 332 grams of narcotic ...

23 August 2024 18:55
The deposit will be applied during transit transportation of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products
According to Article 258.1.4 of the Customs Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan...

8 December 2023 16:20
A forum organized jointly by the State Customs Committee and Caspian Energy Club was held
On December 8, a B2G (Business to Government) forum was...

5 September 2023 18:17
A meeting was held with representatives of contractor companies.
On September 5, a meeting was held between the State Customs Committee...

12 July 2023 16:54
Improvements in the customs system were discussed
A meeting was held with members of the Tax and Customs Committee...

5 July 2023 15:19
A follow-up meeting was held within the framework of customs-business cooperation
A meeting was held between the State Customs Committee and the German-Azerbaijan...
Customs duties:
Value-added taxes:
Excise taxes:
Road taxes:
Total (thousand AZN):
Azerbaijan Republic State Customs Committee

Baghirov Shahin Soltan
Chairman of State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Virtual meeting
Dear Citizens!
You may directly contact Mr. Shahin Baghirov, the Chairman of the State Customs Committee, customs service lieutenant-general in case there arises a need to solve problems related to your customs operations and foreign economic activities at the Committee levels.
Virtual meeting
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Fast track (e-Queue)
Electronic service for fast passage of persons and passenger vehicles at checkpoints across the state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan!
Central Customs Hospital
The Central Customs Hospital is equipped with the latest medical equipment in accordance with international protocols.
Customs Academy
The order was established for the preparation of highly qualified personnel for the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, qualification of employees and scientific research in the field of customs affairs.
Dog training center
When the Cynological center of the State Customs Committee was put into operation on September 30, 2003, it was established in accordance with modern standards, which has no analogues in the region for its parameters, technical and equipment supply. The cynological Center is located on the Mashtaga - Zabrat highway and covers an area of 3 hectares. At the base of the cynological Center, it is possible to keep 100 Head service dogs at a time, provide medical care and train them. Reproduction, growth and maintenance of breed puppies are also carried out in the center.
Central Customs Expertise Department
Online Services

Customs Development model
Moving in the right direction, being an innovator, focusing on quality, acting diligently and developing transparent, simple and useful customs solutions for citizens and business entities.